Directions to PCANJ:

From North - Take 287 south. Get off at exit 47. Make first right off highway, onto Main Road (also is called Route 202). Go under the 287 underpass.
Make first right onto Schneider and then quick left into parking lot at 329
(Route 202) Main Road.
From South - Take 287 north. Get off at exit 47. At light, make
right, onto Main Road (also is called Route 202). Make first left onto
Schneider and then quick left into parking lot. From Route 46 - New Road, make right onto Bloomfield Ave. Make left onto Changebridge Road. Go until end, approximately 3.1 miles. Make left onto Main Road (Route 202). Approx 0.2 miles make
left onto Schneider, then quick left into parking lot.
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